Originally posted on Rev. Ken's Blog at Unity San Francisco on 7/26/18. What a wonderful week it has been, focusing on my Divine Connection with others! There are so many ways in which this relational experience of the Divine can express. Whether it is serving with Urban Angels and distributing clothing to the homeless or smiling at someone on the bus - it is all an opportunity to powerfully connect as love.
One of the most powerful and rewarding ways to connect is to pray with others. I am so grateful for all of the prayer partners I have. They invite me to see myself and the world anew, to see past my experience and into the heart of the Divine. When we say yes and create space for shared connection, we can lean in and be supported and held, even as we hold others. Matthew 18:20 reads, "Where two or more are gathered, I Am in the midst of them." It is our point of connection that allows us to realize the I Am that we all are. Whether it is through Affirmative Prayer or through acts of Sacred Service, when we say yes to gathering in love, the Divine is revealed. Where are you called to serve? Who are you called to touch? What prayer is seeking to be affirmed in your life? Reach out and lean in - you are more supported than you can even begin to imagine. Comments are closed.